Today's guest on Friday Five...Three...One is Margo Hoornstra, a mother, author, grandmother, resident of the upper Midwest and my fellow author in The Class of 1985 series from The Wild Rose Press. She's here to talk about herself and her new Class of '85 book, To Be or Not.
OK, Margo, take it away...
- Favorite word: Snuggle. It’s a universal term for closeness and love at all age levels.
- First thing you do in the morning: Brew coffee. Drink coffee. And please don’t speak to me until I do.
- Favorite song to dance to: Head and Shoulders; Knees and Toes with my grandchildren.
- What constitutes a crime against nature: Abuse of an animal by someone they trust.
- Favorite destination: Anywhere on the water. Boating, swimming. Sunbathing, not so much.
- What book is on your nightstand? Not as romantic, but how about on my iPad? A Holiday to Remember a progressive contemporary romance written by several talented ladies of The Roses of Prose.
- What would your mother say about today’s underwear choice? Whatever happened to good old fashioned white?
- What scares you most? Losing someone in my family.
Using these four words, write a sentence: Skeleton. Chocolate. Spa. Files.
Fresh from a two
hour workout at the spa, I scoured some computer files for my latest work in
progress and allowed myself nibbles of the chocolate skeleton left over from
Feel free to give us a teaser about
your new book and information where to find you online.
Blurb: To Be, Or Not
Barry Carlson had it all, a
successful career in professional baseball and the adoration of any woman he
wanted. Except one. Forced to retire in his prime, Barry returns to his
hometown of Summerville, New York to coach the Minor League Hornets.
Twenty years ago, Barry broke
through Amanda Marsh’s trust issues. He melted her ice, won her love, then
walked away without a backward glance to survey the wreckage. Now Amanda is the head of public
relations for the Hornets and
happily single—until Barry slides back into her life.
Still reluctant to trust, Amanda
gives Barry another chance. But the
announcement of their twenty-fifth high school reunion leads to an asinine bet
between Barry and his old buddies, and threatens to ruin their newfound
relationship. As scandals of the past and present converge, can Barry and
Amanda get beyond their differences to find their second chance at love?
To learn more about Margo, visit one or all of these sites: